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Delivery times

Products that are in stock are normally sent in 24h

Expected delivery times to products in stock:

Finland: 2 business days

Inside EU: 3-8 business days

Outside EU: 6-9 business days

Products that need to be backordered takes usually 3-10 business days more. In some cases it is possible to take more time than that. Ask from us if you need more precise estimate in certain product.

It is customer's responsibility to be aware of current law of his/her country, we don't take any responsibility if the product is being seized by customs. Possible time that customs clearance take is not included in delivery time estimation.

We ship from Finland so if you order inside of the EU there will not be any extra cost (taxes or customs duties).


If a customer makes the order from outside of the EU, he/she is fully responsible for any charges of the customs process, for example customs duties and taxes.


If a customer makes the order from the United Kingdom, he/she is fully responsible for any charges of the customs process, for example customs duties, taxes and other fees.


If the customer’s order value is 135£ or more (includes shipping cost) then UPS pays customs duties and taxes first and charges them from the customer and adds 13.60£ brokerage fee on top of that. These costs (Taxes, customs duties and brokerage fee) are not refundable and even though the customer would reject the delivery of the item or return it these costs will be deducted from the refunded amount as well as other possible costs which are told in return policy section or in terms of service.