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Red Rock Outdoor Gear Patch Suck It Up Buttercup

Sale price€7,16
Special order product. Estimated delivery time 7-14 business days


Suck It Up Buttercup artwork. Printed Patch (Heat Transfer Dye Sublimated). Patch with hook backing attaches to tactical bag, backpack, gun bag, jacket or any loop surface. Peel and stick backing on the loop piece allows the morale patch to adhere to most smooth surfaces. Hang packaged.

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About Borras Outdoor

Borras Outdoor offers a diverse selection of over 5000 knives and folding knives. Our extensive range includes a variety of puukko knives, swords, folding knives, and outdoor gear designed for demanding conditions. We feature products from the world's top brands such as Spyderco, Cold Steel, Bastinelli Creations, Buck, and CAS Hanwei.